

This model represents educational lessons that can be created, edited, viewed, or deleted. This appears in the Learning Hub on the Project, should the config be enabled.


  • GET: Retrieve lessons.

  • POST: Create new lessons.

  • PATCH: Update specific fields of a lesson.

  • PUT: Replace an existing lesson.

  • DELETE: Permanently remove a lesson from the database.

  • SOFT_DELETE: Mark a lesson as deleted without permanently removing it from the database.


  • title: (String, Public, Required, Editable) - The title of the lesson.

  • slug: (String, Public, Required, Unique, Editable, Indexed) - A unique identifier for the lesson, typically used in URLs.

  • category: (String, Public, Editable) - The category of the lesson.

  • paid: (Boolean, Public, Editable) - Indicates if the lesson is paid.

  • tags: (Array, Public, Editable, Indexed) - Tags associated with the lesson.

  • description: (String, Public, Editable) - Description of the lesson.

  • summary: (String, Public, Editable) - A brief summary of the lesson.

  • photo: (String, Public, Editable) - A photo associated with the lesson.

  • previewVideo: (String, Public, Editable) - URL of the preview video for the lesson.

  • fullVideo: (String, Public, Editable) - URL of the full video for the lesson.

  • visibility: (Enum, Public, Editable, Default: "public", OwnerVisible) - Visibility status of the lesson. Possible values: "public", "custom", "private", "secret".

  • channel: (String, Public, Editable) - The channel to which the lesson belongs.

  • visibleBy: (Array, Public, Editable, Default: []) - List of users who can see the lesson.

  • reportedBy: (Array, Default: []) - List of users who reported the lesson.

  • createdBy: (String, Public, Default: null) - User who created the lesson.

  • updated: (Date, Public) - Last update timestamp.

  • created: (Date, Public) - Creation timestamp.

  • deleted: (Date) - Deletion timestamp.

  • attributes: (Array, Public, Default: []) - Additional attributes of the lesson.

  • managedBy: (Array, Public, Default: []) - List of users managing the lesson.

Sample API Request

Endpoint: POST /api/lessons

Request Body:

jsonCopy code{
  "title": "Introduction to Permaculture",
  "slug": "introduction-to-permaculture",
  "category": "Sustainable Agriculture",
  "paid": true,
  "tags": ["permaculture", "sustainable", "agriculture"],
  "description": "A comprehensive introduction to permaculture principles and practices.",
  "summary": "Learn the basics of permaculture in this introductory lesson.",
  "photo": "<photo-id>",
  "previewVideo": "http://example.com/videos/intro-to-permaculture-preview.mp4",
  "fullVideo": "http://example.com/videos/intro-to-permaculture-full.mp4",
  "visibility": "public",
  "channel": "education",
  "visibleBy": [],
  "reportedBy": [],
  "createdBy": "instructor123",
  "attributes": [],
  "managedBy": []


jsonCopy code{
  "id": "lesson123",
  "title": "Introduction to Permaculture",
  "slug": "introduction-to-permaculture",
  "category": "Sustainable Agriculture",
  "paid": true,
  "tags": ["permaculture", "sustainable", "agriculture"],
  "description": "A comprehensive introduction to permaculture principles and practices.",
  "summary": "Learn the basics of permaculture in this introductory lesson.",
  "photo": "<photo-id>",
  "previewVideo": "http://example.com/videos/intro-to-permaculture-preview.mp4",
  "fullVideo": "http://example.com/videos/intro-to-permaculture-full.mp4",
  "visibility": "public",
  "channel": "education",
  "visibleBy": [],
  "reportedBy": [],
  "createdBy": "instructor123",
  "updated": "2024-06-09T12:34:56Z",
  "created": "2024-06-09T12:34:56Z",
  "deleted": null,
  "attributes": [],
  "managedBy": []

Last updated