Booking contract

Status: Draft, Last Updated: 8 June 2024

Proof of Presence (Booking) Contract is a framework for using an on-chain lock mechanic to issue utility to a real world asset.

Functional Requirements

DAO Membership

  • An address must be a DAO member to be able to "instant book"

  • If address books without being DAO member, status will be set to "pending" (SPACE_HOST role would move them to "confirmed")

  • (backlog) Upon Check In the Space Host (or DAO approved hardware) changes the booking status to "checked in".

  • (backlog) Upon cancellation of booking (prior to the booking.start and as defined by DAO rule), contract should return locked tokens to the sender wallet.

  • Only an address which has the MEMBERSHIP_MANAGER_ROLE, is allowed to add a member to the DAO


Add member to DAO

Feature: Add member to DAO

Scenario: Caller has not the right role
	Given the transaction caller **does not** have the right role
	When the DAO contract gets called to add a member
	Then the contract will revert

Scenario: Add member to DAO succesfully
	Given the transaction caller **has** the MEMBERSHIP_MANAGER_ROLE
	When the DAO contract gets called to add a member
	And the member has already been added before
	Then the contract will revert

Scenario: Add member to DAO succesfully
	Given the transaction caller **has** the MEMBERSHIP_MANAGER_ROLE
	When the DAO contract gets called to add a member
	And the member has not already been added before
	Then the address of the new member gets added to the DAO

Steps to book

  1. Add member to DAO.

    • Add member to DAO

      Adding a member to the DAO can be done by calling the addMember() function.


      • addMember(address account)


        Adds a member to the membership registry.


        • Can only be called by an address with the AccessControlLib.MEMBERSHIP_MANAGER_ROLE

        Input Validation:

        • The account to be added should not already exist in the membership registry

        • Technical





          The address of the member to be added




          Ensures the function is called only by an address with the MEMBERSHIP_MANAGER_ROLE


          • event MemberAdded(address account, address executer);




            Address of added member



            Address of membership manager who is adding member


      // New member address
      const memberAddress = "0x..";
      // Create Diamond contract instance
      const DiamondInstance = ...;
      // Call function
      await DiamondInstance.addMember(memberAddress);

Booking System Requirements

Aim is to having a booking system as fast

  1. anyone with a login can submit a booking request

    • If they are a member and there is space then they get autobooked

  2. Member has to be able to cancel their booking

  3. CANCELLATION If they cancel the tokens are transferred

Last updated